Monday, November 16, 2015

Hi Fam!!

Okay, This week has actually been a pretty boring week in terms of pictures :P

So on Monday we went shopping but we didn't really find anything cool but it was still pretty fun. 

Then on Tuesday I finally got a BIKE!!!!!!! And by the way guys, my bike is flipping awesome!!!!! It´s all slick and black... It´s Black Thunder is what it is!!! 

Yeah, we had the whole of Wednesday when we got to ride it until Elder Clement´s bike broke so we had to lock them somewhere and came back the next day :(. Sucks for Elder Clement... but at least he doesn't have to wear a helmet anymore. Backstory on that... No one here in the Netherlands wears a helmet but a sister and two elders got hit by cars (just some embarrassing bruises) and so now everyone has to wear one which sucks because it looks ridiculous. But there you go, we don´t get to wear them a lot. 

On Thursday we had a really nice boring day but at the end of the day I just felt good, like I´d worked all that I could and that felt great!!! Actually here´s something that I wrote this week:
 "I feel like the way you begin to change yourself while you´re on a mission is by immersing yourself in the work. You can´t attempt to change yourself without serving other people. You can only find yourself and who you can become as you serve and do your best to think about other people´s needs. As you do that, I feel like you begin to change yourself but not because you feel you want to become that, but because that person you´re becoming is who your investigators need. And it doesn't matter what those changes are, because as you try to become someone more able to help your investigators, then you become someone who is more Christlike. Then, as you because more like Christ, you do you realize that the change that you've made has also changed your heart and made you eligible for the peace and comfort the Atonement provides." 
That was a real nice realization I had and it made me feel pretty great!!!

Then on Friday I started making my own planner. So backstory, here in the mission you have missionary daily planners, like every mission but here you decorate the front and back so it´s more spiritually uplifting to look at. And because I´m a beast at Graphic Design :P,  I just made the best planner of any greenie missionary, not that I´m proud or anything!!! ;) 

And yeah, then we found a cool tower in Den Bosch that let us see pretty high up. 

Also something that was pretty great was that on Wednesday we went to check Anne (#not real name) up and make sure that she was okay because she hadn't come to church or answered any of our texts ad we were worried.... like freaking out "WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE BAPTIZED ANYMORE...THIS CAN´T BE!!!!!" And then we checked her out and actually she was just sick and her phone was broken!!!! Woop woop!!!

And Yes, we've had a lot of D.A.s (dinners appointments) so that´s good, we actually didn't even have to cook this week!! How cool is that??!!

The thing in France hasn't changed our schedule at all. The President said something about it and told us the situation and just said to keep away from populated events so all good there!!! 

Okay, I think that´s it for this week,
See you next week!!! 

Black Thunder!!!

Us gone shopping, out on the town, you know!!

Us in a tower... not that cool but YOSO!! (not sure what this means!!)

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